Campaign Promises Turn into Executive Orders

Image by Sammi Cardoso

By Leana Pardo

I think a lot of Americans are wishing they paid a little more attention in history class especially during the unit when the powers of each branch of government were taught. I know I am! When my teacher explained what an executive order was, I should have listened better. Week one of Donald Trump’s presidency has past and numerous signed executive orders was pushed forward. Wasn’t that the foundation of America? Not to have one ruler? To have a checks and balance system? “An executive order is not the president creating new law or appropriating new money from the U.S. Treasury — both things that are the domain of Congress; it is the president instructing the government how it is to work within the parameters that are already set by Congress and the Constitution” (Blake, 2017).  Although many Americans are shocked by how quickly President Trump signed these orders, this is actually pretty normal.

When a new president comes into office, usually the first course of action is the issuance of executive orders. This measure is done to show the American people that campaign promises are kept. Donald Trump’s executive orders are not only scary but not exactly progressive or constitutional. Not to mention his mental health is in question. Executive orders have also been issued in times of crisis. One of the most celebrated executive orders in history was issued by Abraham Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation. This was the direct order from the President to abolish slavery. The country was facing a crisis, and it was time for slavery to end in the free world.  Franklin D. Roosevelt also acted in efforts to help America out of the Depression when he signed The New Deal, which had also been done through an executive order. “Roosevelt has the leading number of issued executive orders with 3,721 during his 12-year presidency (Wellford, 2014).” George Bush signed 291[1] executive orders. Barack Obama totaled 277, the fewest since President Cleveland[2]. Obama was coined a dictator by conservatives for having signed the most famous executive order of his career, The Affordable Care Act. He was praised and demonized by many for attempting to grant every American affordable healthcare. He also signed the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as an executive order. This order “exempted the children of illegal immigrants and parents of legal children from deportation (Blake, 2017).” Some executive orders have done great things for this country while others America has shamefully disappointed.

One of the most abominable executive orders in American History was signed by FDR himself which sent Japanese-Americans to internment camps, because the country was at war with Japan. This executive order sounds eerily similar to the recent executive orders signed by President Trump, which targeted Muslim countries. During his first week in office, he signed an executive order that banned citizens from 7 Muslim countries from entering the United States. In the order, he halted the refugee resettlement program to ensure the vetting process was efficient. The United States already has one of the most intricate vetting processes taking up to 18 months to complete. Sadly the same day these orders were signed the world was remembering the Holocaust. Holocaust Remembrance Day was January 27, 2017. Had we paid more attention in high school we would have known that the U.S. denied Jewish refugees in fear of being spies. It wasn’t until the end of the war in 1944 where FDR redeemed himself by issuing an executive order creating the War Refugee Board, which vetted Jewish refugees and allowed them in (Museum, 2016).

In just a few days in office, the new president banned federal scientists from communicating with the press and the public. Scientists went rogue by making alternative Twitter accounts to keep Americans informed of the science world, specifically information regarding climate change. There is no surprise President Trump signed an executive order to start the repeal of Obamacare. As campaigned, the rise of the border wall was initiated when Trump issued a highly anticipated executive order in efforts to crack down on illegal Mexican immigrants. In connection with this executive order, Trump signed for another executive order that denied federal funding to sanctuary cities, or cities that have policies protecting immigrants from deportation.

There has been serious outrage over these executive orders. Nonetheless this is exactly what he said he would do. He wasn’t joking. Granted it’s hard to take an ex-reality-star-turned-president seriously, but this was his campaign. Despite the guy’s Twitter beef and a limited vocabulary, he’s truly pushing forth his agenda. Countless times I heard Trump sympathizers say, “He won’t really build the wall.” Well, he is, and he wants us and Mexico to pay for it. Executive orders have been done in times of crisis, but are we in crisis? Do Muslim refugees shoot up our malls and theaters? Or do Americans in states with lax gun laws do? The biggest threat to America right now is climate change. President Trump has continued to hurt our planet by withholding valuable scientific data from the public. I think American people would rather see executive orders that limit gas emissions to help save the planet, or an order bailing out millions of Americans paying off student debt, among other things.

Executive orders are an essential power given to our president. All presidents have issued them; many have greatly impacted American history. Unfortunately President Trump’s recent executive orders go against America’s principles. The home of the free is banning people from the American Dream; however, this should really come to no surprise. Many have been outraged and shocked by watching Trump’s campaign promises foster into executive orders. The American people have to face the biggest crisis of all. Has a demagogue been elected president? Is there an executive order to ban Trump?


Bialik, K. (2017 , January 23). Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland. Retrieved January 2017, 2017, from Pew Reserach Center:

Blake, A. (2017, January 27). What is an executive order? And how do President Trump’s stack up? Retrieved January 28, 2017, from The Washington Post:

Museum, U. S. (2016). UNITED STATES POLICY TOWARD JEWISH REFUGEES, 1941–1952. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

Wellford, R. (2014, June 18). Here’s every presidential executive order going back to George Washington. Retrieved January 28, 2017, from :



[1] (Wellford, 2014)

[2] (Bialik, 2017 )

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